Paytm Insider – Push Notification Campaign

About the Brand

Paytm Insider ( Rohan Joshi Show Promotion )

Camping Name

#Conversational Push Notification


To Promote Rohan Joshi’s LIVE Show, Moment Marketing.

Idea: To come up with a creative campaign to create a buzz on social media.


  • Create content for Push Notification
  • Create Moment Marketing Content
  • Promote Rohan Joshi’s Live Show
  • Create a Buzz across social media and Engagement
  • Increase ER for Paytm Insider one month campaign one a week

The Rohan Joshi Typo Campaign

  • Week 1: Rogan Joshi Week
  • Week 2: Mohan Joshi Week
  • Week 3: Trojan Joshi Week
  • Week 4: Jogan Joshi

Created a conversational push notifications campaign that could create UGC. Combining personalization with strong copywriting.


  • Push notification open rates jumped by 3%.
  • Hundreds of Tweets and Insta stories were made around this.
  • This gave me the idea that I can create a product for a social media engagement loop.
  • Even after the campaign, people kept DMing Rohan.

The moment we went outdoors for free. Simpler the campaign, the wider the reach.